Hell Hath No Fury Like A Journalist Prematurely Ejaculated!
Telegraaf story translated from Dutch:
"Tribunal Throws Journalists Out"
The Hague _ The Yugoslavia Tribunal caused a great deal of outrage among the amassed international press that flocked there Wednesday by forcing the journalists out of the building a half an hour after the end of the press conference held by Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz.
Journalists without an office in The Hague who hadn't finished their stories went as a result, in poor spirits, to sit on the grass field on Churchhill square in front of the tribunal building.
Reporters from press agencies with fixed work places in the tribunal, such as AFP, ANP and Reuters, were forced to leave too.
At other international organizations, when they host a news event of global proportions, it is customary to offer journalists appropriate facilities to do their work.
Do I know anybody who got thrown out today and was sorely aggrieved? No comment...