Friday, November 21, 2008

Dutch Weather

Though among the weakest of all blog posts, a nice one for my Dutch weather reports collection.

It says "Regular showers with chance of hail, storm, and later in the day also (wet) snow. Also, heavy wind gusts. Between the showers, also some sun."

Special bonus: the "kans op kans" seems like a mistake but maybe it's an expression I don't know. "A chance of a chance of hail."


sarah b. said...

it's a good one for sure! and WHOA, it's WINDY out there! i've never seen wind like this that wasn't from a tornado or hurricane (i'm from texas). i took my dog out quickly and i swear he was running because the wind was pushing him from behind and he couldn't go any slower.

Anonymous said...

My son and I got stuck in the mess this morning- he in a sling on my hip, my hands carrying 2 bags. Nice.

Unknown said...

Kans op kans hagel is definitively an error. But you could say: hij heeft kans op kans laten liggen. Which I'm sure you guys understand...