Saturday, November 17, 2007

Het Fietscafe / The Bike Cafe

I'm planning on taking some shots of classic Amsterdam sights, and especially bicycles. This here is one of the more unusual bikes you'll see around town: het fietscafe, the bike cafe. Everyone pedals, everyone drinks. The matrons on the bike were definitely inebriated.

From the company's website:

"You need a sober driver and of course, the best bartender looks after the beer and drinks."

This doesn't really need translation, but just in case you English speakers are feeling lost: they get stuck at a bridge, and the tram is not sure whether it can pass. People on the bike are shouting: 'push!, push!' and then, 'what now?' Finally people start shouting 'push ladies, pedal, come on!' and then they do and the bike starts moving again (and the tram decides it can pass). One lady says to me 'nice for a photo, huh?' I couldn't think of a snappy comeback. The music (of course) was the worst kind of Dutch folk music.

Dutchies: sorry, I mean: that peerless Dutch composer, Andre Hazes, pride of the lowlands.

Incidentally, this clip also illustrates some of the bike lights I referred to in bike light controversy.

Surprise unrelated bonus clip after the 'MORE'

These horses go riding around town sometimes _ They're obviously an advertising gimmick, but I'm not really sure if they don't actually deliver some kegs sometimes. For some reason I usually bump into them while I'm on my way to work. Here they are leaving Weteringcircuit (Vijzelstraat) heading toward _ what else _ the Heineken brewery.


Norma said...

Cycling instruction video for tourists from MacBike:

Toby Sterling said...

Norma: that video should be mandatory!