Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Hi all. It's been several years now since I began sending a monthly letter to my close friends and family. It was a way of keeping the people who have played an important part in my life up to date on my doings and undoings.

Now I'd like to keep a less private record of generally what's going on with me _ the life of the mind, including thoughts about my work, and occassional glimpses into my private life.

There's not really any way of keeping things totally separated. There never was, but in this day and age that's more apparent.

At any rate, I'm hoping the blog format will set the hurdle lower for people I know well to communciate with me, and people I should know to introduce themselves.

Positive and negative commentary is welcome, but I reserve the right to censor the scurrilous.

Click here for the most recent post...

1 comment:

has been deleted said...

I want to see your most recent post on top. Otherwise it looks like you haven't written anything in months.