Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Queens' Day 2008 / Koninginnedag

(Too cool for school)

The rest of the world spun along its merry way today, but in Holland it was Queens' Day.


Queens'Day (or is that Queensday in English? from 'Koninginnedag') is the celebration of the birthdays of Queens Juliana (RIP) and Beatrix.

A combination booze-fest, garage sale and the 4th of July. It's traditional to wear orange.


(he eventually got back up)

After the "More" are some photos and a couple of clips I took in Amsterdam.

(The grass is always greener on the other side of a boat)

(Amused or Annoyed?)
(Frickin heap of junk)

(Culture clash)

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(Regal dame)



(Fox Force Four)


(Compliments were a quarter, so I bought two)


(Orange streaks)

(Dutch cops)

(the bitter end; photo by Mara Miller).

(Sterling and Son)

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