Sunday, August 5, 2007

Gay Pride

The waters ran pink with gayness in Amsterdam yesterday. It was quite a beautiful day to be out and around in the city.

These photos were taken from a friend's boat moored on the Prinsengracht, around number 250, so very close to the start of the parade. I should mention my friend's boat, a sail-able house perfect for two, is for sale, so lemme know if anybody out there is interested...I think they're looking for EUR350,000?

There are many, more pictures at GeenStijl.

Afterward, I went for ribs with the AP television people. At the KLOS, obviously.


Norma said...

Just read your article about the Gay Pride in A'dam. You didn't mention the -16 boat which is probably something you won't see at Gay Pride festivities outside Holland…. I read an article about it in 'Het Parool'
Frank van Dalen, voorzitter COC Nederland: ''Het gaat deze jongeren helemaal niet om seksualiteit, maar om identiteit. Het is echt iets voor volwassenen om dat te denken.

I think it's a very good initiative and next year there probably be a lot more kids on that boat.

Toby Sterling said...
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Toby Sterling said...

Hi Norma.

AP actually did mention the boat for teenagers in the "longest" version, but I think it got cut out for the U.S. wire version. I don't think that's because they wanted to hide the truth or anything, they just always trim everything as short as they can.

Ik vraag me af of meer jongeren mee zullen doen volgende jaar. Wat mij opvalt is dat "Gay Pride" wordt steeds meer een feest zoals koninginnendag, waar mensen willen maar zuipen.

Maar on the other hand, dat het feest zo populair is, dat zoveel steun wordt ('onbeschaamd') betoond voor homo's in Nederland _ dat is iets specials dat maakt deze land uniek en mooi. Het zou en bron van trots moeten zijn.

August 7, 2007 10:27 PM